Owl TalonTM

Data Diode Platform

Secure, Flexible, One-Way Transfer

What’s New

Modern, easy to use, web-based interface

Configuration is easier and faster than ever

Quarterly releases of new protocols

Compatible with the current OPDS-1000 hardware platform and now available on a selection of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware platforms!

Learn more about Owl TalonTM by checking out the data sheet!

All new user interface with unmatched ease of use, reliability, and time to value


The Power of the Software

What sets an Owl data diode apart from others is the software that powers it. While the hardware provides physically-enforced security (bound by the laws of physics), the software is performing the hard work of converting and transferring various data types and protocols.

Owl Talon v3 software is designed to support all your secure, one-way data transfer use cases on a single device, by transferring multiple data flows and protocols simultaneously. And with an extremely easy to use interface, Owl Talon can be set up and operational in the time it takes to get a good workout in.

Talon provides an extensible foundation for flexible support of a broad range of OT and IT protocols and interfaces. Currently, Owl Talon supports TCP, UDP (unicast, multicast, broadcast), Syslog, SNMP Traps, Virtual Screen View, Files (RFTS), OPC (UA/DA/A&E), and NTP. Stay tuned each quarter for releases of new protocol and application support.

Unmatched Security

Security is always top of mind at Owl. Developed using the Microsoft Secure Development Lifecycle, Owl Talon v3 has enhanced security features, including a STIG-compliant OS, SELinux enforcement with access and permission controls, a BIOS password to prevent unauthorized access and modifications, an Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) to detect unauthorized activities and changes, and a disk encryption passphrase to encrypt the disk partition containing the Owl Talon software for added protection.

One-Way in a Two-Way World

A successful one-way data transfer requires meeting the expectations of a two-way world. A majority of network traffic involves some sort of acknowledgement or two-way connection in order to function. The “secret sauce” of Owl Talon is in providing a secure one-way transfer, with a true separation between source and destination networks, while maintaining simultaneous, two-way communications with both the source network and the destination network to avoid disruption. This is accomplished through using proxies that run on each side of Owl data diodes.

The send side proxy communicates with the source network acknowledging receipt of packets before extracting the payload and sending it across the diode. On the receive side, the proxy receives the payload, builds a new packet around it using the original protocol and sends the data on its way over the two-way protocol. In this way, the data diode achieves a secure one-way transfer in the middle of two, two-way exchanges.

Owl Talon – The Vision Realized

Join us for an exclusive look at the latest release of Owl Talon, the revolutionized data diode software platform designed for function and flexibility. In this webinar, we unveil the latest advancements in Owl Talon, including support for a variety of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) platforms, bringing unprecedented portability and reliability with cutting-edge compute platforms from brands you know and trust.

We’re also excited to introduce two new data diode cards: an all-in-one 1G data diode card and powerful new 50G data diode cards, tailor made for data-heavy environments, especially within the U.S. government and other data-intensive sectors.

Looking ahead, we’ll provide a sneak peek into what’s coming in 2025—new platforms, even faster cards, and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the latest developments in Owl’s vision to shape the future of secure data transfer solutions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore Owl Talon’s support for COTS platforms, lowering cost and increasing reliability and security.
  • Understand the backward compatibility with legacy Owl and COTS platforms.
  • Discover the potential of the new 50 Gbps data diode cards for high-volume data environments.
  • Get a preview of what’s coming in 2025!

Have Questions? Check out the Talon FAQ!

Interested in Owl Talon?

Fill out this form to get in touch with a member of our team! We are excited to learn more about your use cases and show you around our new Talon v3 platform.