XD Bridge

XD Bridge™ is the premier cross domain guard platform for system integrators with application-specific needs.

ITAR Restrictions
It is the policy of the United States to deny licenses and other approvals for exports and imports of defense articles and defense services, destined for or originating in certain countries. Owl Government Products are restricted by 22 U.S.C. 2778 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and Executive Order 13637. The International Traffic in Arms Regulations ("ITAR," 22 CFR 120-130) implements the AECA. Export Licenses for ITAR controlled items are processed through a form DSP-5 for permanent or temporary export. This includes screening clients that are in associated with Sanctioned or Embargoed countries. Additionally, there are certain "End-Use Controls" which prohibit exports to certain countries.

RTB Phase 1-Compliant CDS

XD Bridge brings unmatched flexibility, reduced costs, and high performance to cross-domain information transfer. It provides a fast and effective means to move data between systems of differing security levels.

A dual-guard, quad-diode cross domain appliance, XD Bridge:

  • Provides strong security at each system layer: hardware, operating system, and filters
  • XD Bridge comes with two physically different, factory-built configurations: unidirectional or bidirectional operation
  • Features best-in-class performance with 1 Gb network interfaces delivering high throughput, low latency data transfer

The most cost-effective cross domain solution (CDS) in the market today, XD Bridge is available in a standard 1U 19″ rack-mountable configuration for use in enterprise applications or in remote or isolated environments. Depending on your application requirements, multiple tactical form factors are also possible.

Flexible Filtering

Filters are available for both file transfer and streaming protocols such as full-motion video.

The XD Bridge file transfer filter can perform:

  • File type whitelist/blacklist
  • Antivirus scanning
  • XML schema validation

To meet unique requirements, the product’s design enables rapid development of data-filtering capabilities, including custom security policies and filters. In addition, Owl offers a two-day filter development course that enables customers or integrators to easily develop custom filters.

XD Bridge™ provides a flexible, modular platform for deploying cross domain data transfer filters. Certified filters exist for file transfer and streaming applications. The architecture allows additional special purpose filters to be developed and deployed as requirements evolve.


XD Bridge is TSABI (Top Secret and Below Interoperability) and SABI (Secret and Below Interoperability) certified and meets the RTB requirements for top secret and secret environments. It has achieved ATO (Authorized To Operate) status for active deployments in the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Community.

Supported Protocols

Supported Protocols

TCP, FTP, SFTP, FTP/S, & UDP (Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast)

Tech Specs

Technical Specifications


18.875″ x 26″ x 1.75″



20 lb.



70W @ idle, 170W maximum



580 BTU max and 240 BTU typical


120 VAC


PORTS (per side)


  • 2x ST Fiber (Network)
  • 1x USB 2.0 (Boot only)


  • 1x RJ45 10/100/1000 Ethernet (Network)
  • 1x VGA (Display)
  • 1x USB 2.0 (Keyboard)



700 Mbps/3 ms (unfiltered UDP)
Up to 24 streams of 1080p video

*Data type, size and filter dependent


-10° to 50°C



-40° to 70°C


ALTITUDE (Unpressurized)

4,600 m. (15,000 ft.)



Maximum 90% non-condensing relative humidity

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