Owl Blog
Thoughts and Insights from the Cybersecurity Industry
Owl’s Hardware-Enforced Security Provides Reliable Protection Against Log4j Vulnerabilities
Like thousands of other organizations, Owl Cyber Defense began reviewing the potential impact of the Log4j remote code execution vulnerability as soon as the vulnerability was announced. ...
Tom Goodman and Jay Abdallah
Cybersecurity Was a *Hot* Topic at the Dubai Airshow
November saw the return of the Dubai Airshow, one of the biggest and most important events in the aviation industry. With an estimated 120,000 attendees, there was a true level of excitem...
Cybersecurity Secrets, Courtesy of the Russian FSB
Effective cybersecurity depends on understanding the threat: who is attacking a system, what tactics and techniques they are using, and what they hope to accomplish. Security professional...
Dennis Lanahan VP, Critical Infrastructure
Cybersecurity for Renewable Power Generation
The power industry is no stranger to cybersecurity. Given its essential role in every aspect of daily life, the industry follows strict guidelines for securing networks and devices that c...