Owl & AFRL – Pioneering Secure Cross Domain Video Transfer

Owl & AFRL – Pioneering Secure Cross Domain Video Transfer

A drone hovers over a remote compound in a hostile region, capturing live video of a high-value target—a terrorist leader whose capture could dismantle a global threat network. The stakes are immense. This footage must reach command centers thousands of miles away, where analysts are poised to make split-second decisions that could determine the mission’s success. Any delay or breach in transmission could allow the target to escape or, worse, endanger the lives of operatives on the ground.

The mission’s success hinges on securely transmitting Full-Motion Video (FMV) across security domain boundaries to decision-makers in real time. This critical video feed cannot afford any lapses—it must be swift, reliable, and secure, ensuring that no adversary can intercept or disrupt the information flow.

This was the urgent challenge faced by a government defense agency. Their outdated system was struggling to meet the demands of modern operations, where secure, real-time data transmission is non-negotiable. Recognizing the critical need for an upgrade, the defense agency conducted a real-time Proof of Concept (POC) with multiple cybersecurity providers, seeking a solution that could ensure the security and efficiency required for such high-stakes missions.

Owl Cyber Defense, leveraging its deep partnership with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), emerged as the provider truly capable of rising to the challenge. Years of close collaboration with AFRL had refined Owl’s understanding of mission-critical needs, enabling their team to rapidly adapt and deliver solutions that not only met but exceeded the stringent requirements. While other competitors faltered, Owl’s V2CDS solution excelled, delivering secure FMV transmission with advanced filtering capabilities that ensured no malicious data could compromise the operation.

Ready to Delve into V2CDS at the Tactical Edge?

Download Our Latest White Paper!

The Owl-AFRL partnership was not just vital for this Proof of Concept; it is the foundation that ensures we deeply understand mission needs, allowing our team of highly skilled experts to deploy best-in-class technology to secure the most sensitive networks in high-stakes missions worldwide—from defense to critical infrastructure—ensuring global security and operational success.

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